
Team Building – Is it effective?

It depends on what you do. It’s possible to bond as a team by going out for a happy hour after work, but this is less effective than an organised, deliberate, and facilitated event. What is a good activity for team building? Play is at the heart of many team-building activities, and it creates bonds that take years to form in the workplace. For Corporate Team Building, consider

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What are the advantages of team building?

Team building activities have many benefits, from increasing employee retention to motivating employees to having fun. They can also increase productivity and cooperation over time. It’s crucial to set goals before planning an event. Knowing your goals can help you select the right team-building event.

Retention of Employees Increased
It is costly to replace employees, both financially and in terms of time. According to a report by the Society for Human Resource Management on retaining talent, the cost to replace a salaried worker can be up to 6-9 months of salary. On-boarding costs, lost productivity and engagement, training costs and the cultural impact of an organisation are all additional costs. Increased employee retention is the best way to prevent losing employees. We believe that teams that play together stay together. Employees who regularly participate in team-building activities feel more invested and connected to their company as well as their teammates.

Creates shared experiences
Teams can create memories outside of the office that they can reflect on. Shared experiences can be a key part of the bonding process as they help increase acceptance, belonging and camaraderie. Create shared memories by organising a team-building event that everyone can participate in.

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Provides Collaboration Practice
Consider any team-building activity as practice. Working together to overcome any obstacle is a good practice for real-life work situations where all hands will be needed. We all know that a good rehearsal will lead to a stronger performance in a crisis.

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