
Staying Warm Without Traditional Heating

In today’s economic crisis, even putting the heating on for a few hours can end up costing too much money for many households. This means that the winter months can end up costing families a lot of money. One way to avoid ramping up your energy bills is to try and heat your homes through more conventional methods and not rely on your heating systems. In this article, we will explore some ways that you can heat your home without using traditional heating.

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Although the standard heaters in your home can cost a lot to heat up, you can instead choose to use non-conventional heaters such as log burners. These need to be installed underneath your chimney with a flu, so the smoke can exit your home safely. If you already have a log burner fitted in your home, then all you will need to do is acquire wood to burn. Although you can purchase already dried wood to use, you can instead find wood naturally and cut it down and dry it yourself to save yourself money. A log burner is a great way to heat your living room, but make sure to install a fan on top of your burner to distribute the heat better.

Once you have a natural heat source in your home, it is important to ensure that heat does not escape. Heat naturally rises, so if your loft or roof is not properly insulated, then the majority of the heat generated in your home will be lost through your roof. The easiest way to insulate your loft is to lay a material such as fibreglass in between the joists on the floor. This will then help to prevent heat from rising into your loft. To add an extra layer of insulation you can also install this material along your roof joists.

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Your walls can also be the main culprit of heat leaving your home. Gaps and cracks in your walls can let the heat escape as well as let cold air into your home. It is important that you thoroughly inspect your walls to identify any cracks and seal them as quickly as possible. Single-glazed windows can also let heat escape. To prevent this, you can contact a Hereford Double Glazing company that can fit double-glazed windows throughout your home. An example of one of these companies is www.firmfix.co.uk/

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