
Businesses Should Know These Data Trends

Staying ahead of the curve is something all business owners need to know how to do, and understanding data trends is vital to ensure that happens. With that in mind, here are some data trends businesses should know.
Decision-centric D&A

Data-driven decision-making is no longer just a buzzword – it’s a necessity. Organisations are increasingly focusing on using data and analytics to drive strategic decisions, and by adopting a decision-centric approach to data analysis, businesses can get some useful insights that help them make informed choices. A data analysis company like could help even more.

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Skills and Literacy Shortfall

Despite the growing importance of data, many businesses are facing a skills and literacy shortfall in this area. The good news is that investing in training programs and upskilling initiatives can help bridge this gap and ensure that employees have the necessary competencies to work with data effectively.

Connected Governance

With so much data across various systems and platforms, maintaining proper governance is critical. Connected governance involves implementing policies, procedures, and technologies to ensure data security and compliance across the organisation.

AI Risk Management

As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly integrated into business operations , managing associated risks is vital. AI introduces a host of potential risks that need to be addressed quickly and efficiently, and implementing good risk management strategies can help businesses harness the benefits of AI while mitigating potential pitfalls.

Vendor and Region Ecosystems

Businesses often rely on a complex network of vendors and operate across multiple regions to get things done. Understanding the dynamics of these ecosystems is crucial for effective data management.

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Expansion to the Edge

With the growth of IoT (Internet of Things) devices and edge computing, data processing is increasingly happening closer to its originating source. Edge computing enables real-time data analysis and decision-making, reducing latency and bandwidth use. Businesses should explore opportunities to use edge computing technologies to gain competitive advantages and deliver innovative solutions. It might seem like a challenge, but it’s a challenge worth accepting if it’s going to grow your business.

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