
How to fix six common gutter problems

Maintaining the gutters on a property is extremely important, as it ensures that water from the roof flows freely down the pipes, protecting the property from water damage.

Gutters can become damaged for a variety of reasons. Heavy storms and strong winds, debris buildup such as leaves, and incorrect installation can cause rainwater to overflow.

Did you know that approximately 99% of all gutters are known to fail at some point, even when they are properly fixed on the roof? In this article, we take a look at how to fix 6 common gutter problems.

1. Sagging Gutters

Sagging gutters occur when the support brackets can no longer hold the weight inside them. This can be fixed by removing debris, and replacing old, worn-out brackets.

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2. Broken Guttering

Broken guttering causes rainwater to seep through, leading to wet brickwork. To fix this, you need to replace the broken sections with new ones.

3. Frozen water

Ice in the gutters can form when any water left sitting in your gutters freezes due to the cold temperature. The “freezing and thawing” effect can distort the gutters and force joints apart. To prevent frozen water from collecting in the gutters, ensure that the gutters are properly pitched.

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4. Rusted Cast Iron Gutters

Rust creates holes in iron gutters when left untreated, and they will be unable to take the weight of the water. Rusting sections of gutter should be replaced with new parts.

5. Damaged gutters & downpipes

The slightest crack or poorly sealed joint can make rainwater cascade. Sometimes this is due to age, weather, or improper installation. However, this can also be down to pipes being repeatedly knocked. Pipe protectors can be installed over the pipes to add an extra layer of protection. Pipe protectors stop both weather damage, broken rainwater down pipes and accidental damage. More information can be found at sites such as: https://www.meterbox.co.uk/pipe-protectors.

6. Poor Installation

Leaks from poorly installed gutters can be caused by incorrect angles. To fix poorly installed gutters, you’ll need to re-measure the gutters and make sure they’re correctly pitched.

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