
What are some of the best ways to reduce glare within a building

Glare on computer screens and across office spaces can become a real problem in the summer months. There are a number of ways that employers can tackle this and here are just a few of them.

Brise Soleil – these sun breakers that you can get from professional companies such as https://alusystems help to disrupt the flow of sunlight into a building. This can then help to prevent the sunlight from streaming in and onto computer screens with the officespace.

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Tinted windows – if you are looking at having new windows installed in your workplace you might want to consider having those windows with a tint on them. This can be incredibly useful in spaces where glare is a persistent problem. They can also be useful if you want to prevent people from the outside from being able to see directly into your office space.

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Layout – when it comes to placing your desks and monitors in your office space it is important that you think about the direction that the sun will be entering through the windows. You should track this at key points throughout the day. You will then be able to place your office furniture in such a way as to prevent glare from causing issues for your staff.ow coverings – you can use curtains and blinds to help block the light from glaring on your screens but it is important to ensure that this will not cause the temperature to rise too significantly within the building.

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