
How to Deal with a Leak in the Home

A leak in the home isn’t just a nuisance, it can cause expensive damage and even lead to dampness or mildew within the property. While there are various steps that you can take if you suspect you have a water leak in your home, it’s always best to get an experienced plumber to deal with the problem. Having an emergency home plan will also give you a procedure to follow should a leak occur.

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One of the first things that you should do when you notice a leak is to switch off your water supply. This is usually done by finding the stopcock and turning it clockwise. It is a good idea to make sure that all members of your family know where this is so that they can act quickly in an emergency. You should also switch off the power to any electrical outlets or light fittings in the area of the leak, provided it is safe to do so. This will help to limit further damage and reduce the risk of electrocution while you wait for an expert. For plumbing parts like Copper Pipe Fittings, look at Copper Pipe Fittings from Watkins and Powis

If you can see where the leak is coming from, and it’s not particularly extensive or fast flowing, then you may decide to put a container down to catch the water. This will help to reduce the amount of damage caused while you wait for a plumber to come and deal with it.

Other than switching off the power, and ensuring that any pets or children are not in danger, you should also try to make the affected area as dry as possible. This is because a leak that is allowed to continue for long periods of time can encourage the growth of mould and mildew, and this can be very difficult to get rid of once it’s established in porous materials such as wood or carpets.

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In addition, any water that is allowed to pool in a room can eventually penetrate the plaster and lead to the structure of the building being compromised. This can be a very expensive and long drawn out repair process.

In many cases, a leak in the ceiling will be accompanied by other signs that can help you to identify its source. For example, if the leak appears after a rainstorm it is likely due to roofing issues, and if it follows showers or toilet use then it could be a sign that there is a problem with your plumbing.


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