
How to maintain your lawn

Our gardens can look very sad in the winter. You can forgive yourself for losing interest in your garden if you see the flowers falling and the leaves blowing around. If you are struggling with the upkeep of your garden, consider a lawn care company who will bring the right equipment on their trailer. For Trailer Parts, consider https://autoandtrailer

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Follow this plan all year to keep your lawn lush and healthy:

It is best to avoid walking on grass during the first months of the season when frost may still be a threat. It is important to avoid walking on damp grass, as this can cause water to pool. Also, the blades are more fragile at this time of year. This can lead to bruising which is good news for frost. You will notice that the brown colour of the grass changes when frost penetrates a bruised blade. It is not permanent and can be corrected in warmer spring temperatures.

You should check the quality and health of your lawn once the weather has improved. It is possible that moss patches may have developed over the winter. It is time to prepare and seed any areas you need to seed in the spring.

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You can start treating your lawn in the spring or summer. Add nutrients, rake and aerate the lawn. You can do this by creating small holes in the lawn. After the ground has warmed, you can seed any areas where there are patches or where moss may have been removed.

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