
Taking Care of the Plumbing in your Home

Pipes are an integral part of our homes. They remove dirty water from the drains and they are also the way that we heat our homes if we have a gas boiler that runs off hot water. Taking care of the pipes in the home is an essential part of home maintenance – so what are the things that you can do to take care of your pipes?

Be careful about what you put down the drains – Putting the wrong things down your drains can cause big problems for the pipes. There are many types of material that shouldn’t go down a drain, however, are frequently the culprits for causing blockages and damage to the pipes. Food debris, cooking oil and wet wipes are among some of the common causes of blockages forming in the pipes. When this happens, it does not only prevent water in the home from draining away properly, but it also puts pressure on the pipes which can eventually cause serious damage to them.

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Replace Old Pipes – Pipes have a lifespan and as they get older, general wear and tear can start to show, which can then cause you problems. It is important to know when to replace the pipes and the components of them. In heating systems, parts like these copper pipe fittings https://watkinspowis.co.uk/products/copper-pipe-fittings-and-press-systems will eventually need replacing. Getting your boiler serviced regularly will ensure that this happens before you have anything go wrong with the pipes, such as a leak for example.

Keep an Eye out for Rats – One of the biggest issues for your pipes is the fact that rats are attracted to them. Popes provide a network for rats to use and allow them to gain access to the house with ease. They are also attractive to rats as they contain water and waste so create a perfect environment for them. Rats have long been associated with sewers because of this.

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However, rats can cause significant damage to your pipes, as well as other parts of your home. Their teeth can chew through pretty much anything and this then can lead to leaks in your pipes and drainage issues. If you suspect that you have rats in your home, get a pest control company to come out and take a look for you.

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