
Essential Lawnmower Maintenance Advice

Mowing the lawn regularly with a mower is one of the fundamental and essential tasks of lawn maintenance, yet its misuse can quickly turn into an inconvenience. Lawnmowers are expensive and essential appliances, so you’ll want to take good care of yours. A few simple steps every spring can keep the mowing season running smoothly while prolonging its usefulness.

  1. Conduct An Initial Inspection on Spark Plugs

Faulty or dirty spark plugs are one of the primary sources of mower problems, making engine starting difficult and wasting fuel, leading to poor cutting results. Every spring, remove and inspect spark plugs for dirt or signs of corrosion using brake cleaner and a wire brush as necessary – then, once they have been thoroughly cleaned or replaced as necessary, reconnect them and reconnect their wire. When you require Mountfield Parts, try visiting a site such as

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  1. Switch Out Your Oil

Mower engines require special engine oil designed to resist heat and contaminants, so it’s crucial that it be changed annually if you plan on using the mower for extended seasons. Drain out and replace with fresh high-quality motor oil as specified by your owner’s manual; dispose of any used oil appropriately according to local hazardous waste regulations.

  1. Clean The Air Filter

This simple yet cost-effective step can keep your mower operating optimally. Mowers rely on air instead of fuel for propulsion, so the filter may become filled with dirt and debris that puts strain on its engine. Inspect the filter to see if replacement with pleated paper filter or cleaning using soapy water is needed; using motor oil may help the filter trap more debris while protecting against further ingress into its core engine.

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  1. Sharpen Your Blade

A dull mower blade can do more than simply be an inconvenience; it can damage your lawn and lead to brown spots and weed growth. A hardware store offers this service at a reasonable fee, or you can do it yourself using a hand-held blade grinder and remover spark plug wire to sharpen its edge over winter’s long and cold days. A sharp mower blade cuts grass more thoroughly and evenly preventing weed growth between its blades as well as helping with gas consumption and engine wear-and-tear costs as well.

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