
Green tech and the need for power

The world faces enormous problems.  for it to move and for us to be able to power and heat our homes we are still reliant on fossil fuels.  These are sources that are gained from the ground and are burnt to generate energy.  Oil and coal fired power stations heat the water required to create the Steam to move turbines and generate the power required for business and residential use.  Whilst many would be happy to continue with this situation, fossil fuels have a finite amount of capacity.  Once they are burnt they cannot be used again and even more troubling they contribute to the amount of carbon in our atmosphere.  The heating of the planet can be directly linked to the use of fossil fuels.  Therefore, if the human race is going to continue to exist on planet Earth it needs to make some radical decisions about what it’s going to do in terms of creating electricity.

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This is where this Solar Panel Installers Clevedon based company comes in. The development of green technologies allowing us to create renewable energy from clean sources is one of the most challenging aspects of the future that humans face.  With the development of the solar panel there may well be a time when all homes are self-sufficient if they have the correct facing towards the sun and access to sunlight.

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This is not the only green  tech that’s being employed to provide us with power.  Wave is constantly being researched and wind has also established itself as another major player.

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