
How to welcome visitors to the business.

If you are the type of business that thrives on the face to face then how you greet the visitor to the office is paramount. What are the best ways to do this? First of all you’ll need a system to make sure that you know where they are in the building and a Visitor Management System from is one of the best ways to keep track of the people that are coming in and when they go out.

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The good old fashioned approach of a reception and receptionist is still one of the best ways to introduce your business to the customer. This is why the receptionist needs to be a bright and friendly presence but also a super organiser. In many cases they have a uniform but this rather depends on the ethos and approach that you have in the business.

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Bright colours are a must if you want to create a sense of well being. Again this rather depends on the nature of the business that you conduct. More traditional industries should look at wood and neutral colours. There should certainly be plenty of seating.

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