
Trim and Tidy

The men of today spend more time in the bathroom grooming themselves than ever before. You should be proactive and not reactive about your grooming needs if you do not. Male maintenance is essential. It’s important to maintain some basic grooming practices during the colder months when everyone is stuck inside and closer together.

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A messy beard or moustache is not acceptable and can cause problems at work. You should trim the edges of your facial hair every day to keep it looking neat and tidy. A trimmer and guide comb will do, to make your edges neat and crisp.

You don’t need to show your nose hairs. Tall men should pay special attention to this as people will be looking up at you more than they will at you. This is a simple job that can be completed with a trimmer. There’s no reason to have unsightly nose hairs. It is also important to trim ear hairs, as they can grow more and more with age. Pay some special attention to your ears at this time of year and if needs be, consider Ear wax removal Birmingham from a site like

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You should also keep your stubble in check if you have it. Women find a stubby chin attractive, but you have to do it correctly. Keep it trim to avoid looking sloppy. It’s the same for eyebrows, boys. Eyebrows can be used to express many emotions. A well-defined set will make you more expressive than a bushy look. Trimmers will tidy up your outline and create a distinct separation above the bridge.

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